Had to celebrate Valentine's Day earlier this year
cos 14th is day 1 of Chinese New Year!

Went to Dozo for luuuuuuunch
cos i had to go to for a meeting at Ettusais's meeting before!
(Highly recommend you to go for the dinner instead of the lunch
cos the cold dish for dinner is freaking awesome,
i always have the air-flown sashimi and boyf will have the king prawn)
Lol, We need to find new foodie places!
Every year v'day, birthday, anniversary we always go to Dozo!
Any recommendations? Tag me! (:

Lol, we're going to this techno party @ DXO this saturday.
omigooooooosh, i didnt know it was at DXO
when i told him i could goooo.
HATE DXO! It's like a freaking sauna at the dancefloor there!
I don't know why but seems like the 2 times
i went the air-con broke down or sth?
Damn bloody hot fuuuuuuuuug.
Lol, proof that boyf's brother used to be an AH BENG!!!

HAHAHAHA! Received it like 8am when i was like
bloody sleepy/just opened my eyes i was like

hahahahahs, so funny when the host serve the soup!
She served it to boyf, and she wanted to walk away already,
but i think boyf was staring at the crab claw and she was like,
" the claw is for deco purposes only, please do not eat it. "
I was like wtf, ROFL!
Boyf then told me luckily she told him
cos he was like thinking of eating it. -.-

Me love pork cheeeeeeeek with caramelized onions and herbs.

We went shopping after lunccccccch!
Went to buy new lingerie @ La Senza for Chinese New Year!
Lol, i just found out this year from my colleagues new year
must buy new lingerie also, not only clothes and shoes.
I think girl's $$$ damn easy to earn caaaaaaaan!
WTF, we need to do nails, do hair, buy cosmetics,
buy bra, buy undies, buy heels.
Still always complain say we high maintenance, blah blah blah.
pretty also pretty for them what, right right right?
After shopping for abit, went to cineleisure to watch
"Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"!

Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus:

I saw the trailer and i was like oooooh, this should be interesting,
but it's the kind of movie that even after the movie you're still like,
wtffffffffff..? it just keeps your thinking and thinking
and trying to come up with a reasonable explaination.
But you'll never get it!
So in the end you just give yourself a bloody bad headache!
Went to Ettusais's office for meeting after the movie!
For people who have been following my blog for awhile,
You'll know that i've been blogging for Ettusais since last year.
And I'm one of the brand ambassador for Ettusais 2010 again!
As you all (already) know, I love to blog about any beauty related stuff
and thru blogging for Ettusais i got to know a whole bunch of friends!
This year would be even more exciting other than
just reviews for products, we'll be even more active in
Ettusais' events as well!
There are some new faces for Ettusais' Brand Ambassador 2010!

Jaslyn, Sarah, Christine, Jayne, Holly, Me, Adeline & Jeanine
but Jeanine wasn't present yesterday!

With our "nanny" sherry!
Got my houndstooth dress from http://everygirlsmirror.com/
Buys of the day!

La Senza lingerie, Vivi mag & Percy jackson Book 1&2,
and Ettusais gave us the Feb gift of purchase! Super kawaii!
Will be doing the review for the Pore Care Wash soooooon!
Been trying the product and so far it's working well for me! (:

From 4th-11th spend $60 and get the shimmery polka dot
cosmetic pouch, trial size Aqua Shooter & Version up!
For Ettusais club members you get the polka dot eyebrow trimmer as well!

Love the polka dot chiffon pouch with the shimmery dots!
Visit the various Ettusais counters now! :D

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